We offer two infact programs here; Junior Infant and Senior Infant. The Junior Infant program is suitable for babies from 4 months to 12 months of age. At this age their minds are absorbing everything they see around them. They also begin to discover themselves, and as they develop to crawling and then walking they begin to explore their surroundings. Our Junior Infants program provides a nurturing and secure environment with stimulating toys and activities that provoke their curiosity.
Learning areas in the Junior Infant program consists of group time, creative, sensory, language, music + movement and gross motor activities. Infants enjoy a daily dose of fresh air with a stroll through the local neighbourhood. The program is flexible enough to accommodate individual sleeps times with a separate crib room that has dim lighting and soft music for nap time. As the infants develop to walking they move to the Senior Infant program where they get to further develop and explore their surroundings. The program is carefully designed to enhance children’s skills and prepare them as they get ready to move to the toddler program. We place a strong emphasis on the development of gross motor skills through push toys, outdoor environment and gross motor activities.
Program highlights include group time, creative, language, music + movement. We have a separate area in the classroom for children to enjoy sensory play. A book centre with age appropriate books is also part of the classroom setting. There is also a learning area where the children can enjoy dramatic play by trying on different clothes and costumes.
“My mom falls asleep when she reads. I do not.”
Chase, 2
Toddler Program
We offer two programs for the toddler age group. Our Junior Toddler program is designed for children who are 18 months and up. The classroom is designed with well-defined interest areas to help toddlers develop their cognitive, fine motor, social-emotional and gross motor skills. Learning areas in the classroom include; creative, sensory, and a book nook. A complete dramatic area is set up with age appropriate toys + materials which gives it a nice homey feel.
There is also a separate area for building blocks to help introduce toddlers to the concept of building with a variety of blocks, cars and little people to help further a child’s imagination and skills. We also like to introduce toddlers to the concepts of sounds and numbers through fun materials and activities. Science activities are introduced to help develop children’s discovery and investigation skills.
Our toddlers are strongly encouraged to develop their independent self-help skills whenever possible. Some of our older toddlers are introduced to potty-training, if and when they are ready. Toddlers get to explore the outdoors by using our safe toddler playground and group neighbourhood walks. Our Senior Toddler program builds on our Junior Toddler program and develops children’s skills to help them prepare for the Preschool Program. We put a big emphasis on children’s language development and self-help skills during this time. Older children are introduced to activities that are learned in our Preschool Program. We offer learning areas that consist of: creative, sensory, blocks, dramatic, cognitive, science and an area of appropriate books. Gross motor skills are further developed through music + movement and gross motor activities. Children continue to build their gross motor skills in the outdoor playground and on neighbourhood walks.
“I mixed blue and yellow and got purple.”
Julia, almost 3
Preschool Program
Our Preschool Program is perfect for children who are between 2 ½ and 6 years of age. Our classroom is divided into distinct areas of play such as creative, sensory, dramatic, blocks, cognitive, science and a book area. Our Preschool Program is designed to further refine a child’s language, social, emotional, cognitive and gross motor skills.
The materials and activities we use in the classroom continue to help children develop the concepts of patterning, sequencing, problem-solving, and spatial development. Our children are placed into small groups so our teachers can focus on individual interests and provide materials to further develop their interests and skills.
Our Preschool Program also allows opportunities for children to develop their problem-solving and self-help skills. Gross motor skills are further developed through outdoor activities on our preschool playground and during neighbourhood walks. Our Preschool Program also includes some special events and field-trips over the course of the year.
“I started from the bottom, now I’m here.”
Nian, 4
Kindergarten Program
Kindergarten program is offered to children who are 4 years to 6 years of age. Different areas of the program such as art, science, sensory, dramatic and block play have activities that build up upon children’s preschool skills. Activities such as board games, puzzles, card games, sequencing, patterning and name recognition provide further refinement of cognitive and fine motor skills. Literacy and math areas further strengthen children’s reading, writing and comprehension skills.
Strong emphasis is placed on self-regulation and problem solving. Small group activities and low staff to child ratios provides more individual focus opportunities. Gross motor skills are further enhanced with the use of the kindergarten playground. Field trips and special events are planned to compliment children’s knowledge and interests.
Book your tour today!
We are now booking weekend and evening tours by appointment only.
Financial help to those who need it.
Our partnership with the Region of Peel can help provide a subsidy for child care through eligibility.